Colorado: High School Alumni
List Your School HERE so you can connect with your classmates!
Tip: Be sure to use your EMAIL INVITES on... View more
If you see your school, JOIN the discussion thread. If you don’t see your school, create a NEW DISCUSSION and ADD your school. The Discussion Title should be YOUR SCHOOL NAME, and CITY or TOWN.
Example: Freedom High School, Richmond
The Discussion Content should be Your name, your graduation year, and anything else you want to share about your days at the school.
Once you have TEN Senior Subway members who went to your school, we will add a PRIVATE group for YOUR school IF you contact us and let us know the name of the school and who the Senior Subway members are!
Tip: Use the Email Invite link on the purple menu bar to your left to invite your high school friends to join Senior Subway, and this group!
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