Dog Lovers!
Do you have a dog or want a dog for a pet ? Dogs make amazing pets! Share photos of your baby, photos of... View more
My 110 Pound Lap Dog, Sophie!
My 110 Pound Lap Dog, Sophie!
We had the wonderful fortune of adopting a 110 dog from an animal shelter in Montgomery County, Maryland a few years ago. Sophie was a senior dog and had been passed up by many for over a year. I am so glad we found her because she totally changed our lives for the better. She was the most affectionate, loving dog, and she did not know she was a HUGE dog. She would climb right on top of you and plop herself down for a nap or a cuddle. We lost her after about two years, but she will always be in our hearts. There will never be another Sophie! @Basil ❤
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