Things '60s Kids Did That Would Horrify Us Now!

  • Things '60s Kids Did That Would Horrify Us Now!

    Posted by Anne  on August 31, 2023 at 4:42 pm

    Pregnant Women Smoking and Drinking
    Crummy Car Seats and Seat Belts

    Unsafe Cribs

    Trampolines without Nets

    No Childproofing

    Walking to and from School Alone

    Going to a Friend’s House Unescorted

    Chewing Sugary Bubble Gum

    Cereal with Lots of Sugar

    Nuns Who Smacked

    Hanging Out in the Candy Stores

    Riding Bikes without Helmets


    Playing Outside Unsupervised All Day

    Playing at the Beach On Your Own

    No Sunscreen

    Stick Ball and Games in the Streets

    Drinking from Garden Hoses

    Cooling Off with a Fire Hydrant

    Becoming Blood Brothers and Sisters

    Sleeping in the Back Window of the Car On Road Trips

    Coming Home to an Empty House

    Spanking and Hitting


    Unsafe Toys


    Anne  replied 1 year ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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